Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Baby Wearing Part 3: Woven Wraps!

So... my baby has been born! It's been 4 weeks now and I've had the chance to use my wraps with my littlest one. Because he's still so young, tho, there are only several carries I can do with him, and I've only tried a few of them myself.

But I've been able to take pictures of me with him in the wraps! So here are some of them. And the next post we'll talk a bit more about woven wraps and hopefully answer a few questions about them, such as "Why are they so expensive?" and "Why do some people (like Ada *ahem*) have so many?"

But first, pictures. =)

Didymos Lisca Natur, size 5;
3 hours after birth in the hospital 
Didymos LIsca Natur, size 5;
Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC)

Didymos Sole Occidente, size 6;
Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC)
Didymos Shades of Blue, size 5;
Front Cross Carry (FCC)

Didymos Emerald Turquoise Hemp Indio, size 3;
Semi-FWCC with slip knot
Didymos ETHI, size 3;
SFWCC w slip knot

Didymos Teviot v2, size 4;
SFWCC with sling rings
Didymos Teviot v2, size 4;
SFWCC with sling rings